Making a Difference with Derucci Educational and Medical Foundation

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives

The Derucci Educational and Medical Foundation is committed to making a positive impact in communities through education and healthcare initiatives

What Our Foundation Does

Scholarship Programs

Providing financial assistance to students

Medical Outreach

Offering medical services to underserved communities

Educational Workshops

Programs to enhance skills and knowledge

Community Development Projects

Initiatives aimed at improving community infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer scholarship programs, medical outreach, community development projects, and educational workshops.

Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities and how you can contribute to our initiatives

Students from low-income families who meet our criteria.

Applications can be submitted through our website.

We focus on underserved rural and urban areas

You can join our projects by signing up on our website or contacting our team

Our workshops cover a range of topics including health, education, and vocational skills

Yes, we collaborate with various local and international organizations

Our activities are funded through donations, grants, and partnerships

Yes, donations can be made through our website

Online Donations

Our activities are funded through donations, donate to enable us to continue the good work